Board, Bylaws, Forms

AAUW Austin Branch Board of Directors for 2024-25

Executive Committee
President:  Soon Merz Flynn
Program Vice Presidents:  Jackie Hardee, Sarah Averill
Membership Co-VPs:  Sharon Babot, Debbie Starr
Secretary:  Elaine Penn
Finance VP/Treasurer:  Laurie Altman
Past President:  Linda Welsh, Ph.D.,

Standing Committees and Appointed Offices
AAUW Funds Chair:  Joyce Pulich
Interest Groups Coordinator:  Berta Lloyd
Newsletter Publisher/Editor:  Shirlene Justice
Parliamentarian, Bylaws & Governance:  Pam Wolfe
Public Policy Chair:  Anita Knight

Appointed Off-Board Positions
AAUW-TX liaison:  Cheryl Fuller
Archivist:  Larayne Dallas
College/University Partners:  Charlene Buckley (ACC),
 David Abercia (St. Edward’s), TBD (UT)
C/U Partner Liaison:  Linda Welsh, Ph.D., 
Member Connect:   Carol Algren
UT Fellowships Chair:  Joyce Pulich
Web/PR/FB Team:  Janani Janakiraman, Anita Knight, Soon Flynn, Pam Wolfe
Yearbook Editor:  Soon Merz Flynn

AAUW Austin Branch 2020-2021 Strategic Plan & Goals

Current Bylaws of the Austin Branch of AAUW (linked here):  Austin Bylaws 2019

Current Policies of the Austin Branch of AAUW (linked here):   POLICIES FOR THE AAUW AUSTIN BRANCH_Oct_2017

Current Timeline of the Austin Branch of AAW (linked here):   Branch CALENDAR – MAJOR ACTIVITIES (revised Spring 2018)

Expense report form for submission to Treasurer:  AAUW_Branch_Expense_report