AAUW updates our Public Policy every two years.
Past Equal Pay Days at the Capitol
The AAUW Action Network helps anyone with an interest and an e-mail address to take action to affect the outcome of important policy issues. Action Network links directly to AAUW’s Two-Minute Activist, where you can read a brief summary of a current issue and then click to send a letter to Congress. Please write to the addresses or call the phone numbers for your elected officials.
Washington Update is AAUW’s free, members-only weekly e-bulletin. It offers an insider’s view on the legislative process, the latest policy news, resources for advocates, programming ideas, and updates from the Public Policy and Government Relations Department. AAUW members are encouraged to subscribe through the online form.
AAUW does not endorse any candidate running for public office, nor any political party. AAUW members are active in voter registration drives, voter education efforts, panels, committees, seminars, letter-writing campaigns, and virtually every other means by which citizens can participate in the democratic process. Other relevant public policy links are as follows:
League of Women Voters – all-volunteer organization that produces a website, an Austin-oriented newsletter, the Voters Guide (around election time) and various other publications. It also organizes and conducts many educational activities including monthly topical meetings, discussion groups, study task forces, and public policy/candidate forums.
Center for Public Policy Priorities – nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank committed to using research and analysis to improve Texas public policy.
Coalition for Public Schools – group of religious, child advocacy, and education organizations representing more than 3,000,000 Texans statewide promoting public education.
Texas Freedom Network – nonpartisan, grassroots organization based in Austin, acting as the state’s watchdog, monitoring far-right issues, organizations, money and leaders.